With the Maryland Patient Registry open since April 2017, it is important to understand the steps you must take to get your Maryland medical cannabis card. There are no fees associated with simply acquiring a certification; however, there are fees for requesting an ID card. Discussed below is the process to become legally able to purchase medical cannabis in Maryland.
You can become a medical cannabis patient in Maryland in just a few mouse clicks. There is no fee to apply for registration. Here are the steps involved:
Register as a patient with Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission.
Register via Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission Website.
You will need:
- A valid e-mail address.
- Last 4 digits of your social security number.
- Electronic copy of your recent photo.
- Proof of Maryland address.
The commission will send you an e-mail once you are approved.
Schedule a commission registered provider visit.
Here is a link to Commission registered providers in Maryland:
Your provider must be registered with the Commission as a provider
You must have an in person visit with your provider.
After examination, if your provider determines that you meet the requirements he/she will issue a written certificate. This certificate will be posted on the Commission website
Get your medicine.
Now you are ready to visit us at the AmediCanna dispensary near me to get your medicine.

Do I have a Qualifying Condition for Medical Cannabis in Maryland?
The first step in becoming a registered medical cannabis patient in Maryland is having one of the qualifying conditions. The state has approved the use of medical cannabis for the following conditions and ailments:
- Cachexia
- Anorexia
- Glaucoma
- Wasting Syndrome
- Severe Pain
- Severe Nausea (including that caused by other medications for conditions)
- Seizures
- Severe or persistent muscle spasms
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Chronic Pain
- Any condition that is severe, for which other medical treatments have been ineffective, and if the symptoms “reasonably can be expected to be relieved” by the medical use of Cannabis.